Rate your pain: an occupational health IT assessment tool

How much does it hurt?
If your current approach to documenting occupational health is causing you and your colleagues pain, perhaps it’s time to consider a more robust occ health IT solution.
Use this tool to catalog your current pain levels — and determine whether you are experiencing minor discomfort, a general sense of malaise, or mind-numbing pain of the sort that makes you glad you have an onsite employee clinic at your disposal. Rate areas such as:
- user interface/experience
- interoperability
- confident compliance
- clinic productivity/efficiency
- health surveillance
- worksite injury & illness
- and more
Enterprise Health is the only health IT solution to combine occupational health and compliance, clinical care and employee engagement on a single, highly interoperable, cloud-based platform equipping enterprise clients and the employees for a healthier future. We can provide you with helpful tools and guidance — and an occ health solution designed to provide welcome relief.