Occupational Health News — Enterprise Health

[Video] Employee Health Surveillance Software Demo — Enterprise Health

Written by Enterprise Health | Jan 21, 2021 6:13:29 PM

Employee health surveillance in four easy steps

Monitoring employees for specified medical conditions is an important step in mitigating health risks in the workplace, but tracking surveillance activities for large numbers of employees can be a major undertaking without the right health IT solution.


Enterprise Health’s powerful toolsets make managing occupational health, compliance and immunizations straightforward. By enrolling employees in surveillance panels, employers can automate the tracking, set-up, documenting and reporting on required audiometry, pulmonary function, vision, respirator fit and other exams to keep employees compliant, on the job and in the field. Here’s how it works:


1.  Automates medical surveillance panel notifications

Once enrolled in a medical surveillance panel, the employee receives an email notification with a link that takes him directly to the employee portal. Here, he can schedule his appointment and respond to any questionnaires that need to be completed. Once he chooses an appointment date and time and submits, Enterprise Health will automatically send an appointment confirmation email to him that will be automatically added to his calendar as a private appointment when he accepts. 


2.  Simplifies questionnaire completion

The appointment confirmation email will also link to any questionnaire that need to be completed. For example, if the employee is due for a DOT exam, a link will take him directly to the driver questionnaire. When he types information into the questionnaire, it will pre-populate into the DOT encounter, and overlay all of this data directly onto the appropriate DOT form.


3.  Streamlines encounter documentation

When the employee checks in for his appointment, the system automatically opens the appropriate visit encounter based on his appointment type. During the encounter, the nurse can go to the employee’s chart to see his past medical history, as well as a list of all the testing for which he is currently due. 


As an example, if the employee is due for a DOT exam, the nurse can click on driver fitness and it will open the driver fitness encounter which asks all of the questions that are required for the DOT exam. The system will automatically pull in the employee’s personal information as well as the answers he provided in the employee portal driver questionnaire. 


In the testing section, the nurse is able to document vitals — like pulse rate, height, weight, blood pressure and urinalysis — as well as results of vision and audio tests. Results from tests automatically fill in on the DOT form, and Enterprise Health automatically stores a copy of this form in the employee’s medical chart. 


4.  Makes it easy to track compliance and work status

Supervisor portals offer an "anytime" look at employee health surveillance panel status to better plan for absences and decertifications, and the compliance officer is able to login to easily view the compliance status of employees and generate reports. The system offers a wide range of reports that can be filtered by a specific employee, country, panel, clinic location or status. 


To learn more about how Enterprise Health automates health surveillance, watch this demonstration.